- Active Eyes: programmable blink rate, pupil size, and pupil reaction
- Programmable severe or mild seizures
- Wireless streaming voice
- 80+ programmed speech responses
- Oral or nasal endotracheal intubation/suctioning
- Difficult airway: enable laryngospasm, pharyngeal swelling, tongue edema
- Sensors detect depth of intubation
- Tracheostomy care
- Unilateral chest rise with right mainstem intubation
- Multiple upper airway sound types
- Control rate and depth of respiration and observe spontaneous breathing
- Ventilation is measured and logged
- Anterior and posterior lungs sounds in all quadrants
- Visible chest rise with assisted ventilation via BVM or mechanical ventilators
Breast Examination
- Five interchangeable left breasts, which include fibrocystic disease (chronic mastitis), a benign tumor with stalk, a giant sarcoma, scirrhus carcinoma, and a retracted nipple
- Two right breast contains 8, 10, 16, and 20mm lumps
- NG/OG intubation and feeding
- Bowel sounds on quadrants
- Colostomy, ileostomy, and stoma care
- Rectum supports enemas
- Interchangeable male and female genitalia
- Male/female catheterization with fluid return
- Normal and abnormal heart sounds, rates, and intensities
- ECG monitoring using real devices
- eCPR sensors; chest compressions are measured and logged
- Monitor, capture, pace, and cardiovert using a real defibrillator
- Bilateral IV training arms and IM sites
- Measurable blood pressure and audible Korotkoff sounds
- Monitor oxygen saturation using real oximeter
- Visible cyanosis
- Bilateral carotid, radial, brachial, femoral, popliteal, and pedal pulses
- Finger stick bleeding
- Decubitus ulcers and ulcerated foot
Gynecology Examination
- Perform bimanual pelvic exam with interchangeable uteri
- Insert speculum and view interchangeable cervices
- Perform PAP/douching/sounding
- GYN package includes:
Anteverted uterus
Retroverted uterus
IUD uterus (installed)
6-8 Week pregnant uterus
10-12 Week pregnant uterus
20 Week pregnant uterus
6-8 Week pregnant uterus with short ovarian ligaments
Normal cervix (set of 5, 1 installed)
Abnormal set of cervix (set of 6)
6-8 Week pregnant cervix (set of 3)
10-12 Week pregnant cervix (set of 3)